3 Japanese Enjoy their Ultimate Quarantine by Living in a Desert Island

COVID-19 outbreak is raging all over the world. Japan previously issued a national emergency, several cities had shut down and the government called on people to stay home. Three Tokyo people took this chance to go to an uninhabited island to “self-quarantine” for a month, stay away from hustle and bustle, and also the virus.

Twitter user @ken_osak invited two friends to the desert island to live a self-sufficient life away from the city. Their luggage was: fishing rod, harpoon, knife, saw, shovel, tent, kitchenware, seasonings, charging tools, and a chicken as a partner and emergency food!

Three people and one chicken lived on an uninhabited island in Kyushu. The life there was simple and routine: They set up their tents and caught fish, collected shells when they were hungry; when they are bored, they use all the resources on the island to entertain themselves. Occasionally, accidents occur, such as mobile phones entering the water, tent collapse, they need to overcome it by themselves and during that period, they had learn a lot. Life there was primitive but they were happy and they felt the satisfaction that cannot be found in the city.

After a month, Japan lifts last of virus emergency control on 25 May 2020, and the three also left the desert island on the 25th. Ken was quite reluctant about this and think that this precious experience on the island could not be felt in Tokyo. He said: “After this pandemic ended, I want to tell more people that there is such a great place, and I want people with interest to come here to develop their own adventure.”

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Do You Know Eating Crickets Can Save the World?

Do you ever think of eating insect? Beetle? Spider? Cockroach? I think the answer must be No. But how about eating cricket and you can save the world?

This cricket cracker is a product jointly developed by the famous Japanese retails company MUJI and the Department of Bioscience and Bioindustry of Tokushima University in Japan. It looks like the normal cracker, but there is a cricket printed on the package to remind everyone that this is made of bug.

It Tastes Like Shrimp.

In the interview, the employees of the Snacks and Beverage Development Department said that this cricket cracker has the smell of shrimp. Also, the official website mentioned that biologically “shrimp is an insect in the sea, and crickets are land shrimp.”

Why We Need to Eat Crickets

According to the product description, the team made this cracker with cricket powder for the future of the earth.

MUJI also mentioned why crickets was chosen as food. The reason includes that the supply of meat protein in the world is not enough to support population development around 2030, and the protein content of crickets is far higher than common livestock.

Another advantage of eating crickets is that the resources required to feed crickets are very small. Compared with common cattle such as cows, pigs, and chickens, crickets have a very light load on the global environment.

There are many benefits of eating crickets, however, not everyone dare to taste. It can only be said that technology, population, etc. are constantly evolving, and the environment of the earth also needs to be taken into consideration. New possibilities must be developed for sustainable development.

The cricket cracker is currently only avaliable on the MUJI online store in Japan, and the details of selling globally are yet to be disclosed. If there is cricket cracker selling in your region, are you dare to try?

images and info sourced from MUJI

Japanese Long Life Secrets – Okinawa Black Sugar

Japan Okinawa famous in longevity, and why do Okinawans live longer? The Department of Medicine at Ehime University in Japan, has discovered through long-term observation and research that many people in Okinawa have their special dietary life. One of the finding is related to sugar, people lived there rarely eat white sugar and prefer Okinawa’s traditional black sugar.

Black Sugar vs Brown Sugar vs White Sugar

Lets find out what is the different between black sugar, brown sugar and white sugar. Black Sugar is actually brown sugar. According to the amount of molasses, it can be divided into light brown sugar and dark brown sugar (black sugar). 

The darker the sugar, the less calories it contains, and more calcium, iron and potassium it contains. Unrefined brown sugar commonly retains most health benefits since it is undergoes less processing than white sugar. 

However, to make black sugar, except some handmade sugar, most of the sugar factories simply use white granulated sugar, dissolve it in the pot with some molasses added. Those with more molasses are called black sugar, and those with less molasses and lighter colour are called brown sugar.

Okinawa Black Sugar

Why Okinawa black sugar is better? It is because there is a big difference in the production of traditional Okinawa black sugar than the factories do. Unlike other refined sugars, it is boiled directly after sugarcane juice is squeezed with special charcoal, and is not refined and purified. So all the sugarcane nutrients are remained.

Lets us check out in depth the health benefits of Okinawa Black Sugar:

Rich in Minerals

Black sugar is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, they can strengthen our bones and teeth, prevent osteoporosis. It also contains potassium that can lower blood pressure, protect the health of hair and nails, and eliminate edema. And contains zinc and iron which are good for your body too.

Rich in Vitamins

It contains Vitamin B1, B2, B6 can eliminate fatigue, restore vitality, and also protect the skin and mucous membranes.

As a Supplement

As black sugar contains many nutrients, properly incorporating black sugar into your daily diet is possible to supply the nutrients that modern people tend to lack.

Good for Lady

Drinking black sugar water during the physiological period helps to calm the nerves. Also, hot drinks can relax the blood vessels and can be easily absorbed by the body, supplementing the energy consumed by the body to deal with menstrual pain. moreover, its iron can help to relieve iron deficiency during menstrual period.

Phenyl Glucoside

Amazingly, using black sugar is actually let you intake less sugar compare to white sugar! As it contains Phenyl Glucoside which is a substance that inhibits the absorption of extra sugar by accelerating the excretion of unnecessary sugars from the intestine, achieving the effect of lowering blood glucose level. 


It contains Octadecanol that help to dive away fatigue and prevents bad cholesterol and triglycerides from being absorbed. It is suitable for fat people or people with obesity.


Black sugar contains a component called raffinose, which increases the number of beneficial bacteria and hence improve the intestinal environment. This can help fixing the intestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhoea. People who suffer from constipation should try using brown sugar. Also, Raffinose is said to be effective in enhancing liver function and suppressing skin inflammation.

Improve Immunity

Intake of black sugar will enhances metabolism and increases body temperature to further enhance health effects. It is said that the immunity increases five times when the body temperature rises one degree, so eating black sugar could potentially be a pleasant effect for modern people who tend to have hypothermia.

With all these benefits, it is worth to have a try to this long life secret. And it is attractive that pure black sugar contains no additives and you can easily incorporate it by replacing refined white sugar or brown sugar with black sugar for cooking. Or you can simply serve it as snacks. So next time if you travel to Okinawa, remember to buy their famous Okinawa black sugar.

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Japanese Long Life Secrets – Shochu

Most of us familiar with sake, but not too many people hear about shochu. It is a Japanese traditional hard liquor, distilled spirits made from grains or vegetables. The most common base ingredients are sweet potato, barley, rice, buckwheat and sugar cane.

Island of Longevity

Why this is related to longevity? It is because there is a small island in Japan, Tokunoshima. It has another famous name called the “Island of Longevity”. Legend has it the reason people are living longer, and having the world’s highest percentage of living people that beyond 100 years. The all the islanders there love to drink kokuto shochu!

Izumi Shigechiyo - Oldest Man in Takunoshima

And the oldest person in Takunoshima was Mr. Izumi Shigechiyo, was credited in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest man. He aged 120 years old.

He enjoyed drinking strong shochu a lot, he called it “firewater”. Believe it or not, it is said that his longevity secret is drinking kokuto shochu every night together with his dinner!

Kokuto Shochu

Kokuto shochu, is a special kind of shochu made from Okinawa black sugar. It is only allow to brew by local distillers in Amami Oshima.

Unlike sake and wine contain quite a lot of sugar, this brown sugar liquor is not sweet, as it distilled so there is actually no sugar in it. It is much more healthier and it has less effect on your body the next day you have it drunk. It is said to be an alcohol that is good for your health

Kokuto shochu also have many well-known health effects. It general helps dissolve blood clots, and contains lots of polyphenol which help treating digestion issues, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular diseases. And its ingredient, Okinawa brown sugar, which is rich in iron, calcium, minerals, and vitamin B group, also provide lots of good nutrients for your body.

Beside the legend, it is worth to have a try on kokuto shochu because of its great flavor and all the above benefits. And from the stories of island Takunoshima, having little to none stress and live happy is definitely a key to a long life.

Please share this information to your alcohol lover friends!

images sourced from web

Japanese Long Life Secrets – Natto

Natto is a very popular dishes in Japan, however its special flavour, taste and texture have discouraged many people. But what make Japanese like this nasty little thing that much?

Natto is made from fermented soybeans, so nutrients are the same as soybeans, including high-quality protein, calcium, soy isoflavones, and high-quality soybean oil. After fermentation, natto is not only easier to digest and absorb, but also produces natto hormone, which is beneficial to human health. The large amount of health benefits contained in natto make it a superfood, and it likely contributes to the longevity of Japan’s residents.

Explore the secret of long life

The health benefits of natto for elders include:

Promote Blood Circulation
Studies have found that nattokinase in natto helps to dissolve blood clots and promote smooth blood circulation, which is helpful for preventing blood clots and maintaining cardiovascular health.  In addition, poor cerebrovascular circulation is not only prone to stroke, but also may cause the problem of “vascular dementia”.  Appropriate consumption of nattokinase on weekdays can help promote blood circulation and reduce thrombosis, and also help prevent vascular dementia.

Delay Bone Loss
Soy is rich in calcium, and the nutrients of natto are more easily digested and absorbed after fermentation. Appropriate consumption of calcium can supplement the calcium required by the body and help strengthen bones.

Regulate Menopausal Discomfort
Natto is rich in soy isoflavones, its natural and plant-like estrogen helps to regulate female menopause discomfort, suitable for menopausal women.

Dare to eat this wired sticky beans?

Natto, has an acquired taste, and the sticky texture is just like snot. But you can plainly see the benefit in consuming it often. Eating it cold with raw egg is the best, and if you aren’t too keen on the flavor, try mixing it with soy sauce and yellow mustard. Natto can be easily found at Asian supermarkets and many health food establishments and groceries.