Japanese Long Life Secrets – Natto


Natto is a very popular dishes in Japan, however its special flavour, taste and texture have discouraged many people. But what make Japanese like this nasty little thing that much?

Natto is made from fermented soybeans, so nutrients are the same as soybeans, including high-quality protein, calcium, soy isoflavones, and high-quality soybean oil. After fermentation, natto is not only easier to digest and absorb, but also produces natto hormone, which is beneficial to human health. The large amount of health benefits contained in natto make it a superfood, and it likely contributes to the longevity of Japan’s residents.

Explore the secret of long life

The health benefits of natto for elders include:

Promote Blood Circulation
Studies have found that nattokinase in natto helps to dissolve blood clots and promote smooth blood circulation, which is helpful for preventing blood clots and maintaining cardiovascular health.  In addition, poor cerebrovascular circulation is not only prone to stroke, but also may cause the problem of “vascular dementia”.  Appropriate consumption of nattokinase on weekdays can help promote blood circulation and reduce thrombosis, and also help prevent vascular dementia.

Delay Bone Loss
Soy is rich in calcium, and the nutrients of natto are more easily digested and absorbed after fermentation. Appropriate consumption of calcium can supplement the calcium required by the body and help strengthen bones.

Regulate Menopausal Discomfort
Natto is rich in soy isoflavones, its natural and plant-like estrogen helps to regulate female menopause discomfort, suitable for menopausal women.

Dare to eat this wired sticky beans?

Natto, has an acquired taste, and the sticky texture is just like snot. But you can plainly see the benefit in consuming it often. Eating it cold with raw egg is the best, and if you aren’t too keen on the flavor, try mixing it with soy sauce and yellow mustard. Natto can be easily found at Asian supermarkets and many health food establishments and groceries.